Bienvenue sur The Edge coutelier forgeron
For 19 years, under the name Au Fil de la Lame then The Edge in 2005, our first priority has always been to make good quality handmade knives accessible.
Whether be for hunting, martial arts practice, survival or simply for a collection, all our pieces have the same goal : the quality must remain the same and the knives must be up to the client’s expectation. Our speciality is making the pieces as custom as possible, so that it fit the client perfectly.
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The ergonomic, the materials, the shape of the leather case, everything is customized so that the knife is unique and correspond exactly to the person who ordered it. Whether the demand of the customer is really precise or something out of his or her imagination, conversation between us and the client is really important. We also make reproductions of famous weapons from history, series and movies. We restore weapons that have been damaged by time and/or well used as well as ancient weapons too.
